Independence Pass is comprised of three federally-designated Wilderness areas: The Hunter-Fryingpan, Collegiate Peaks, and Mount Massive Wilderness areas.
There are several campgrounds on the east side of the Pass, including Parry Peak, Twin Peaks, and Twin Lakes-area campgrounds, which usually open to the public around Memorial Day weekend. On the west side, there are four campgrounds: Difficult, Weller, Lincoln Gulch, and Lost Man, most of which open in early June. Lincoln Creek Road (four-wheel drive and reasonable clearance recommended) has designated, dispersed campsites for the first several miles, the Portal Campground at mile 6 at Grizzly Reservoir, and further dispersed camping beyond the Reservoir (four-wheel drive and significant clearance required past the reservoir). For reservations, go to Those campgrounds not found at that site are first come, first served, with a maximum stay of 14 days.
Fire season can begin early with low snow pack, warmer weather, and/or dry wild land vegetation. Nearly 9 out of 10 wildfires nationwide are human caused and can be prevented. Everyone can do their part to help prevent wildfires. Please visit the Recreate Responsibly Coalition for wildfire prevent and awareness tips for anyone who recreates on public lands.
If you are a climber, please take a wag bag available at the Grottos climbing wall and the Boulder Field.
El Paso de la Independencia comprende tres zonas naturales designadas por el gobierno federal: Hunter-Fryingpan, Collegiate Peaks y Mount Massive.
Hay varios campamentos en el lado este del Paso, incluidos los campamentos de Parry Peak, Twin Peaks y la zona de Twin Lakes, que suelen abrir al público en torno al fin de semana del Memorial Day [están abiertos desde el 28 de mayo de 2022]. En el lado oeste, hay cuatro campamentos: Difficult, Weller, Lincoln Gulch y Lost Man, todos abiertos a partir del 6 de junio. La carretera de Lincoln Creek (se recomienda tracción cuatro por cuatro y un espacio libre razonable) cuenta con campamentos dispersos designados para las primeras millas, el Campamento Portal en la milla 6 de la Reserva Grizzly y más campamentos dispersos más allá de la reserva (se requiere tracción cuatro por cuatro y un espacio libre considerable pasado la reserva). Para reservar, visite Los campamentos que no se encuentren en ese sitio son por orden de llegada, con una estancia máxima de 14 días.
La temporada de incendios ya ha comenzado con un tiempo más cálido y una vegetación seca en las tierras salvajes. Casi 9 de cada 10 incendios forestales en todo el país son provocados por el hombre y pueden prevenirse. Todo el mundo puede contribuir a prevenirlos. Visite la Coalición Recreate Responsibly para obtener consejos de prevención y concienciación sobre incendios forestales para todo aquel que se recree en terrenos públicos.
Si es un escalador, lleve una bolsa de aseo disponible en el rocódromo de Grottos y en el campo de Boulder.
Please consider following #RecreateResponsibly Guidelines, so we can all enjoy OUR magnificent public lands for years to come:
Know before you go. Check the status of the place you want to visit for closures, fire restrictions, and weather.
Plan and prepare. Reservations and permits may be required. Make sure you have the gear you need and a back-up plan.
Build an inclusive outdoors. Be an active part of making the outdoors safe and welcoming for all identities and abilities.
Respect others. There is space for everyone and countless outdoor activities. Be kind to all who use the outdoors and nature differently.
Leave no trace. Respect the land, water, wildlife, and Native communities. Follow the seven Leave No Trace principles.
Make it better. We all have a responsibility to sustain the places we love. Volunteer, donate, and advocate for the outdoors.
“People ought to saunter in the mountains . . . Do you know the origin of that word ‘saunter?’ It’s a beautiful word. Away back in the Middle Ages people used to go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and when people in the villages through which they passed asked where they were going, they would reply, ‘A la sainte terre,’ ‘To the Holy Land.’ And so they became known as sainte-terre-ers or saunterers. Now these mountains are our Holy Land, and we ought to saunter through them reverently . . . . ”