Chionophila jamesii, July 15, 2020
C. jamesii, August 6, 2020
Common & scientific name
Snowlover, Chionophila jamesii
Snapdragon/Figwort, Scrophulariaceae
Independence & Lost Man Lakes, 12,500’
Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
Classified as a rare plant of Colorado, the careful observer can find it with some regularity on the high peaks of Independence Pass. It stands 3” high, and its one-sided, cream-colored flowers are the opposite of showy. That being said, it is always a delight to find this snowlover, for three reasons: (1) it looks like no other wildflower, with a subtle, intricate beauty that requires a close-up viewing, (2) it is a rare plant, seen probably by 0.0001% of the world’s population, and you’re one of them!, and (3) if you’re finding it, you’re in the high alpine, which is the definition of delight.