Parnassia fimbriata, August 4, 2020
P. fimbriata, August 4, 2020
Common & scientific name
Fringed Grass of Parnassus, Parnassia fimbriata
Saxifrage, Saxifragaceae, Staff Tree, Celastraceae, or Parnassus, Parnassiaceae
Roadside, 10,700’
Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
This bright white, late-blooming, water-loving flower is always a delight to find, often in roadside ditches where orchids and elephanthead bloomed earlier. Its petals are fringed at the base, and its leaves heart-shaped. While the family it belongs to is in dispute (or in transition may be a better way to put it), its delicate beauty is not!