Castilleja rhexifolia, June 23, 2021
C. rhexifolia, Linkins Lake Trail, 11,800’, June 24, 2021
C. rhexifollia possibly crossing with C. occidentalis, Grizzly Lake Trail, 12,000’, July 22, 2021
Castilleja rhexifolia, June 27, 2020
Common & scientific name
Rosy paintbrush, Castilleja rhexifolia
Broomrape, Orobanchaceae
Linkins Lake TH, 11,500’
Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
Whether “rosy” or bright magenta or soft lavender or striped with white or some combination of all of the above, Rosy paintbrush is by all accords one of our most stunning flowers. Hybridization with other species, like the whitish-yellow C. occidentalis, is thought to be responsible for the variation. As with all members of the Castilleja genus, the colorful parts are actually modified leaves, or “bracts.” Its flowers are small, tubular, greenish-yellow, and barely visible within its colorful bracts. Enjoy this summertime treat!
C. rhexifolia, NY Basin, 11,400’, June 27, 2021