Platanthera dilatata, June 28, 2022
Common & scientific name
White bog orchid, Platanthera dilatata
Orchid, Orchidaceae
New York Trail, 10,500’
Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
There may be as many as 35,000 species of orchids worldwide, making the Orchid family the largest family of vascular plants. With 33 species, Platanthera is the largest genus of orchids found in North America.
White bog orchid, one of our area’s most common, is found streamside, in ditches, and all manner of wet places. It has nectar-secreting glands that line the spur (the projection on the backside of the flower) that produce an aromatic, sugary reward to attract pollinators (and that creates a beautiful smell for us, as well). The shape and length of the spur varies from species to species and is co-adapted to fit the tongue-length of pollinating moths or butterflies.