Dracocephalum parviflorum, July 26, 2022
Common & scientific name
American dragonhead, Dracocephalum parviflorum
Mint, Lamiaceae
Upper Lost Man trailhead area, 11,500’
Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
American dragonhead is a native annual, biennial, or short-lived perennial. It is a seedbanking species, whose seeds are large and not wind-dispersed. Buried seeds remain viable for a long period of time and require fire or other disturbance for germination. Like fireweed, it usually disappears or declines in importance within the first few years following disturbance. This plant was found on the highly-disturbed berm across from the upper Lost Man trailhead (the berm was created following construction work done on the nearby Top Cut), explaining its presence—it was not planted. Most authorities say it grows up to 10,000’ or so—here 11,500’!