Polemonium confertum x viscosum, June 23, 2023
Polemonium confertum, Twining Peak, 12,500’, June 29, 2023
Mt. Massive, 14,100’, July 4, 2023
Polemonium confertum, Geissler, 13,000’, July 21, 2023
Common & scientific name
Sky pilot, Polemonium viscosum x confertum
Phlox, Polemoniaceae
Mt. Champion, 12,500’
Fun, weird, helpful, or little known fact
If you’ve ever been scrambling along a rocky alpine ridge and swore you smelled a skunk, you were (sort of) correct! Sky pilot, a common but striking tundra flower, sometimes goes by the name “Skunkweed,” owing to the strong odor it sometimes puts out.
The photo here could be a cross between the two species found here, P. confertum—widely flaring, light blue or blue-purple flower, like the photo bottom left—and P. viscosum, more tubular and deeper purple, as seen below.
P. viscosum, Twining Peak, 13,000’, June 29, 2023
Polemonium confertum, Geissler, 13,000’, July 21, 2023